Truth Telling
Give, share, connect (community)
Pay it forward through community
You must unlearn what you have learned.
Defining and debunking myths through storytelling, metaphors, and analogies.
Dispel commonly accepted norms, ideologies, and methods of living, thinking, and being.
The content will be brutally honest, and unhinged in its delivery. The message will be poignant, and therefore, difficult to hear at times.
The method of delivery will be storytelling from actual mistakes and failures.
Passion and logical augments are crucial The Ethos, speaker's status or authority, will be secondary. The content will be developed and delivered by practitioners not thought leaders, task masters, delegators, or box checkers. Pedigree does not mean mastery.
Common behaviors, thoughts, and beliefs will be debunked and refuted.
Specific prescriptive guidance, practical remedies and recommendations will be an integral part of the content.
An enduring community will be established. The community members will be both contributors and consumers of the content.
Data and industry research will be used to bolster the evidence of the myths. However, the majority of the ‘evidence’ will consist of anecdotal, empirical data points
Individuals learn, and retain knowledge, best when they can relate what they are learning to what they already know - analogies and metaphors.
he content will be provoking in both thought and action. Some of the content will be pejorative by design; making consumers uncomfortable.
The content will assume a contrarian point of view. Conformity makes people comfortable, content, and complacent. A maverick, rebel spirit will be embraced.
Individuals learn and retain information through visuals and by doing (experimentation).
Levity captures people’s attention and keeps individuals engaged; ‘A lot of truth is said in jest’. Poignant prescriptive, with specific alternatives.